看了电影《Batman:Dark Knight》,在网上。有人评说过,挺好的。我同意。对电影结尾处的对白映像深刻。
You’ll hunt me. You’ll repeal me, set dogs on me. Because that’s what needs to happen. Because sometimes, truth is good enough; sometimes people deserve more; sometimes people deserve the reverent faith rewarded;
被蝙蝠侠在最后时刻救下的、对蝙蝠侠充满崇敬的警察长的儿子对他爸爸要追捕蝙蝠侠不理解,说:“他没做错什么事儿啊。(He didn’t do anything wrong)”,做为警长的父亲说:
Because he is a hero Graphen deserves.But not the one we need from now. So we’ll hunt him. Because he could take
it. Because he’s not a hero. He’s a silent guardian, a watchful protector, a dark knight.因为他是格拉芬应有的英雄。但不是我们现在所需要的英雄。所以我们要追捕他。因为他能承受这一切;因为他不是所谓的英雄。他是静默的卫士,是机警的守护神,是黑暗骑士。