美国神秘作家协会【MWA: Mystery Writers of America】于2010年4月29日宣布了本年度最佳犯罪及神秘小说埃德加文学奖的获奖名单。获得最佳小说奖的是约翰·哈特(John Hart)的《最后的孩子》(The Last Child);获得最佳处女作小说奖的是斯蒂芬妮·平托夫(Stefanie Pintoff)的《愚人村的阴影下》(In the Shadow of Gotham);最佳平装书原创奖授予了马克·斯特兰治(Marc Strange)的《身受重创》(Body Blows);由奥托·潘兹勒(Otto Penzler)编撰的《世界著名侦探小说家传》(The Lineup: The World’s Greatest Crime Writers Tell the Inside Story of Their Greatest Detectives)获得了埃德加文学奖非虚构类的最佳批评/传记奖;戴夫·库伦( Dave Cullen )的《科隆拜因》(Columbine)因为讲述发生在1999年科罗拉多校园枪击案的故事而获得了最佳纪实类犯罪小说奖。作家多罗西·吉尔曼(Dorothy Gilman)则被授予了本年度大师的称号。
hmm.. Very thorough post. I have found myself directed here before from aol search and undoubtedly will find myself here again. I just thought I’d take a minute out of my day to express. As a website owner myself I know that is is nice to get some feedback on your works sometimes. Anyway, I’m sure I’ll end