2011诺贝尔文学奖获得者:Tomas Transtroemer

【BBC News】

Swedish poet Transtroemer wins Nobel Literature Prize

Swedish poet Tomas Transtroemer has been awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize for Literature.

Transtroemer is Scandinavia's best-known living poet

The Royal Swedish Academy named him the recipient “because, through his condensed, translucent images, he gives us fresh access to reality”.

The 80-year-old is the 108th recipient of the prestigious prize, given last year to Peruvian Mario Vargas Llosa.

Presented by the Nobel Foundation, the award – only given to living writers – is worth 10 million kronor (£944,246).

A trained psychologist, Transtroemer suffered a stroke in 1990 that affected his ability to talk.


His poems – described by Publishers Weekly as “mystical, versatile and sad” – have been translated into more than 50 languages.

English translations were largely handled by American poet Robert Bly, a personal friend, and Scottish poet Robin Fulton.

Fulton, said Transtroemer would be remembered for “his very sharp imagery that translates readily, telling metaphors and a sense of surprise”.

“You don’t feel quite the same after you’ve read it as you did before,” he added.

Fulton first began working with Transtroemer in the early 1970s, and told the BBC: “Some of the Swedish I’ve learnt was learnt in the process of translating Tomas.

“You have to plunge in somewhere. When you’re in the mood it’s good until someone points out the mistakes you’ve made.”

Tipped as a potential Nobel prize winner for many years, Transtroemer is the eighth European to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in the last 10 years.

He is the first Swede to receive the prize since authors Eyvind Johnson and Harry Martinson shared it in 1974.

Born in April 1931 in Stockholm, Transtroemer graduated in psychology in 1956 and later worked in an institution for juvenile offenders.

His first collection of poetry, Seventeen Poems, was published when he was 23.

In 1966 he received the Bellman prize, one of many accolades he has won over his long career.

In 2003 one of his poems was read at the memorial service of Anna Lindh, the murdered Swedish foreign minister.


【New York Times】


Swedish poet Tomas Transtromer at his home in Stockholm on Thursday after receiving the news that he won the 2011 Nobel Prize in Literature.

Tomas Transtromer, a Swedish poet whose sometimes bleak but graceful work explores themes of isolation, emotion and identity while remaining rooted in the commonplace, won the Nobel Prize in Literature on Thursday.

Announcing the award in Stockholm, the Swedish Academy praised Mr. Transtromer, saying that “through his condensed, translucent images, he gives us fresh access to reality.”

The assembled journalists cheered upon hearing that Mr. Transtromer, who was born in Stockholm, had won the prize.

Mr. Transtromer, 80, has written more than 15 collections of poetry, many of which have been translated into English and 60 other languages.

Critics have praised Mr. Transtromer’s poems for their accessibility, even in translation, noting his elegant descriptions of long Swedish winters, the rhythm of the seasons and the palpable, atmospheric beauty of nature.

“So much poetry, not only in this country but everywhere, is small and personal and it doesn’t look outward, it looks inward,” said Daniel Halpern, the president and publisher of Ecco, the imprint of HarperCollins that has published English translations of Mr. Transtromer’s work. “But there are some poets who write true international poetry. It’s the sensibility that runs though his poems that is so seductive. He is such a curious and open and intelligent writer.”

Neil Astley, the editor of Bloodaxe Books in Britain, called Mr. Transtromer “a metaphysical visionary poet.”

“He’s worked for much of his life as a psychologist, and the work is characterized by very strong psychological insight into humanity,” Mr. Astley said.

Mr. Transtromer was born in Stockholm in 1931. His mother was a schoolteacher and his father a journalist. He studied literature, history, religion and psychology at Stockholm University, graduating in 1956, and worked as a psychologist at a youth correctional facility.

In 1990, Mr. Transtromer suffered a stroke that left him mostly unable to speak, but he eventually began to write again.

On Thursday afternoon, the stairwell in Mr. Transtromer’s apartment building filled with journalists from all over the world seeking reaction, the Swedish news media reported.

Visibly overwhelmed, Mr. Transtromer finally appeared, accompanied by his wife, Monica. Speaking on his behalf, she said her husband was most happy that the prize was awarded for poetry. “That you happened to receive it is a great joy and happy surprise, but the fact the prize went to poetry felt very good,” she said, addressing him at a gathering that quickly moved into the vestibule of their home in Stockholm.

There was also a celebration among Swedes, many of whom have read Mr. Transtromer since his first book of poems, “17 Poems,” placed him on Sweden’s literary map when he was just 23.

“To be quite honest it was a relief because people have been hoping for this for a long time,” said Ola Larsmo, a novelist and the president of the Swedish Pen association. “Some thought the train might have left the station already because he is old and not quite well. It felt great that he was confirmed in this role of national and international poet.”

John Freeman, the editor of the literary magazine Granta, said: “He is to Sweden what Robert Frost was to America. The national character, if you can say one exists, and the landscape of Sweden are very much reflected in his work. It’s easy because of that to overlook the abiding strangeness and mysteriousness of his poems.”

But in the United States, Mr. Transtromer is a virtual unknown, even to many readers of poetry, despite the fact that he has been published in English by several widely known publishers.

Mr. Halpern said that “Selected Poems,” originally published by Ecco in 2000, would be rereleased within days. On Thursday morning, print copies of his books were already backordered on online retailer sites, and electronic versions were difficult to find. New Directions, an independent publisher, released “The Great Enigma,” a poetry collection, in 2006; Graywolf Press, a publisher based in Minneapolis, released “The Half-Finished Heaven” in 2001; and in 2000, Ecco, part of HarperCollins, released “Selected Poems.”

Jeff Seroy, a spokesman for Farrar, Straus and Giroux, part of Macmillan, said Thursday that the imprint had acquired a volume of Mr. Transtromer’s work, translated by Robin Robertson, called “The Deleted World,” originally published in 2006. Mr. Seroy said the book would be released by year’s end.

Much of Mr. Transtromer’s work, including “The Half-Finished Heaven,” was translated by his close friend and fellow poet Robert Bly. Mr. Bly has been named as one of the central people who introduced Mr. Transtromer to a small but devoted group of American readers.

The selection of a European writer for the literature Nobel — the eighth in a decade — renewed criticisms that the prize is too Eurocentric. The last American writer to win a Nobel was Toni Morrison in 1993. Philip Roth has been a perennial favorite but has not been selected.

The committee noted after the announcement on Thursday that it had been many years since a Swede had won. It last happened in 1974 when Eyvind Johnson and Harry Martinson shared the prize.

Peter Englund, the permanent secretary of the academy, said this week that the literature jury had increased the number of “scouts” it employed to scour for books in non-European languages.

And once again, the jury proved its inscrutability. In previous years, the choice of relatively unknown writers like Herta Müller of Germany has surprised Nobel watchers; in other years, winners like Harold Pinter or Orhan Pamuk have raised questions about whether the Nobel committee is overly influenced by politics.

While Mr. Transtromer has been a longtime favorite to win the Nobel, he has also won other prizes, including the Neustadt International Prize for Literature, the Bonnier Award for Poetry, the Petrarch Prize in Germany and the Bellman Prize.

The Nobel Prize comes with an honorarium of nearly $1.5 million.

Christina Anderson contributed reporting from Stockholm.


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这些有关马克·吐温晚年的趣闻轶事 在迈克尔·谢尔顿(Michael Shelden )推出的马克·吐温新传《一袭白衣的马克·吐温》(Mark Twain: Man in White)中得到了忠实的再现。 谢尔顿的这部最新的马克·吐温传对这位作家的晚年生活进行了全面的呈现,甚至对马克·吐温晚年为什么总是一袭白衣也进行了详细的分析说明。这部传记的标题也由此而来。

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4. 塞林格(J. D. Salinger)去世之后不久(阿门,愿你在天堂安息!),与其相关任何只言片语、碎纸残片都会引起人们高度的关注。这不,仅仅过了两周,塞林格写于1951年到1993年间的11封书信很快就被发掘了出来,令人们如获至宝。据说信中是大家熟悉的散文,不时流露出幽默和刻薄的睿智。在信中,作者谈到了他作为作家在其巅峰时期的心理历程和生活感悟。信是写给一位名叫迈克尔·米歇尔( E. Michael Mitchell)商业广告设计师。这位设计师曾经过一部畅销书的封面。这些书信的公诸于世无疑会对塞林格研究具有非常重要的意义。当然,这也仅仅是一个开头。由于塞老几十年如一日地隐居,关于他的研究,还有很多很多都还是待解的迷。

5. 威廉·腾(William Tenn)是一位创作讽刺科幻小说的作家。很少有人能够像他那样在科幻小说中展示出幽默机智。2010年2月7日,威廉·腾在匹兹堡的家中去世,享年89岁。其实,威廉·腾是他的笔名。他的真名是菲利普·克拉斯(Philip Klass)。克拉斯先生的文风犀利机智,富有智慧,灵巧多变。他使得经典的科幻小说主题,如时间旅行、外星人和地球人等,有了丰富多变的表现方式。他和罗伯特·海因莱因(Robert A. Heinlein)、艾萨克·阿西莫夫(Isaac Asimov),以及阿瑟·克拉克(Arthur C. Clarke)一起,在1940年至1950年代,将现代科幻小说发展成了一种正式的文学体裁,改变了科幻小说只是出现在一些不起眼的杂志上的短篇小说的现象。他对科幻小说的发展,功不可没。

6. 拉尔夫·麦金纳里(Ralph McInerny)是一位研究罗马天主教的学者,同时也是一位多产的小说家。他的作品主要是道林老爹(the Father Dowling)系列神秘小说。麦金纳里先生在印第安纳州的圣母院大学任教50多年。2010年1月29日,麦金纳里先生去世,享年80岁。麦金纳里先生在圣母院大学主讲哲学,从事中世纪研究和古典哲学的研究工作。出版了许多这方面的研究专著,是该领域的一位资深专家。他的小说作品尽管数量不少,但是似乎没有他的学术研究成果那么影响深远。

7. 露西尔·克里夫登(Lucille Clifton)是一位杰出的美国当代诗人。她通过其亲身的经历,对20世纪美国的黑人和妇女的生活、他们的屈辱的历史、以及他们的身体所遭受到的屈辱,都进行了如不三分的刻画和描述,令人大开眼界。2010年2月13日,克里夫登女士在巴尔的摩与世长辞,享年73岁。
克里夫登女士于2000年 凭借诗集《福佑舟船:新诗选集 1988-2000》(Blessing the Boats: New and Selected Poems, 1988-2000)获得过国家图书奖(National Book Award)。2007年,克里夫登女士成了第一位获得罗斯·莉莉诗歌奖(the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize)的非洲裔美国人。罗斯·莉莉诗歌奖奖金高达10万美元,是美国诗歌杰出成就的标志性奖项之一。 她于1987年出版的诗集《好女人:诗歌传记,1969-1980》(Good Woman: Poems and a Memoir, 1969-1980) 也进入过1988年普利策奖(Pulitzer Prize)的最后评选名单。除了10多诗集以外,克里夫登女士还出版过颇受好评的以非洲裔美国人生活为背景的儿童文学作品。